Palm Grips
For preventing hand contractures and skin breakdowns For use as a diversionary device for those prone to pulling on IV and feeding tubes
Phoenix Knee CPM machine
CPM, also called continuous passive motion, is a device that is used to gently flex and extend the knee joint. The CPM machine can be used after surgery to allow the knee joint to slowly move. The initial thought was that CPM would improve motion following knee replacement surgery, as well as other knee procedures, and eliminate the problem of stiffness. By placing the knee in this device soon after surgery, scar tissue would not develop, and the problem of stiffness would not be a concern. A Continuous Passive Motion or CPM moves a patient's joint through a predetermined range of motion. CPM therapy is used according to a patient's diagnosis and condition. A high degree of clinical involvement and proper application and prescription are included in use of a CPM machine. A CPM machine can enhance a patient to a more rapid recovery. It facilitates a full range of motion enabling tissue to heal in an elongated fashion, which prevents adhesions and contractures.CPM, also called continuous passive motion, is a device that is used to gently flex and extend the knee joint. The CPM machine can be used after surgery to allow the knee joint to slowly move. The initial thought was that CPM would improve motion following knee replacement surgery, as well as other knee procedures, and eliminate the problem of stiffness. By placing the knee in this device soon after surgery, scar tissue would not develop, and the problem of stiffness would not be a concern. A Continuous Passive Motion or CPM moves a patient's joint through a predetermined range of motion. CPM therapy is used according to a patient's diagnosis and condition. A high degree of clinical involvement and proper application and prescription are included in use of a CPM machine. A CPM machine can enhance a patient to a more rapid recovery. It facilitates a full range of motion enabling tissue to heal in an elongated fashion, which prevents adhesions and contractures.